I Should've Kissed You - DEL 13

Marks perspektiv ~
Brenda doesn't feel well and when she was going to walk into the room again she fell to the floor. I run to her and shook her. She had fainted. I took my phone and called to the hospital. The ambulance was on their way. I lifted her up and carried her down to the lobby. It doesn't took so long before the ambulance was here, thank god for that.
We came to the hospital and they took her inside. We walked trough a long corridor until they opened a door and took her there. A woman come and said to me that I could not come there. So I had to wait in the waiting room. I called Steve ( Jaden's manager) and told what was going on. He and Jaden was on their way to the hospital. They were worried too. After a while they arrived to the hospital and joined me in the waiting room. After one hour a nurse came to us.

Liams perspektiv ~
This evening went good I think? Well maybe not, why did she leave when we come back to the hotel? Was it my fault? She don't like me! I'm so sure.. After she left me in the lobby Niall came out of the elevator he waved at me and I waved back. Then he ran up to me and gave a really big hug and said:
- So how was it tonight? Did you kiss her?
- Kiss? No.
- Oh well, how did it went then?
- Good or I don't know, because she left me when we came back here. I think she don't like me.
- Oh! Don't be silly Liam, of course she like you! I mean what girl doesn't like you?
I smiled at him. I hope he is right. Niall left me because he was going to get something to eat as always. I stood there for a while and just thinking about her. Then I decided to go to her room and tell her that I like her. Not like her that I like, like her.
I took the elevator up to her room. I stared at the door for a while before I knocked. Nobody opened it. I stood and tried for a while. Nothing. Nothing happend. She said she would go there? Think if she have went out with Justin instead? This can't be true. I panicked and run to my and Niall, and Zayn's room. I knocked like an idiot. After a while the door opened and Zayn stood there and looked at me like "what's going on right now?" I ran in and jumped in my bed with my face drilled in the pad.
Brendas perspektiv ~
Jag slog upp mina ögon och tittade mig runt om kring. Jag hade ingen aning om var jag befann mig just nu. Rummet var nästan bara vitt. Läskiga grejjer var runt om king mig. Efter en stund insåg jag att jag låg på sjukhus. Jag fick ångest, jag bara hatade sjukhus. Jag mådde fortfrande inte bra. Huvudvärk och illamående. Efter en stund öppnades dörren och inkommer Jaden, Mark och Steve. Tack gode gud att det var dem.
- How are you? frågade Jaden oroligt.
Jag log mot honom och svarade:
- I'm fine, don't really feel so good but better.
De log mot varandra och sen mot mig.
- Why am I here? frågade jag plötsligt.
- You fainted! svarade Mark.
- I did?
Efter en stund kommer en sköterska in.
- Oh you have waked up! sa hon och log mot mig.
- yeah!
- What's wrong with me? frågade jag sen.
Hon tittade först på mig och svarade sen:
- I don't know, you have to wait for the doctor. He will come here soon.
Vi stod och talade lite om det som hade hänt med mig. Jag hade en liten klump i magen, tänk om det var farligt? Tänk om det är cancer? Jag skulle aldrig klara av det. Cancer är min största fobi.
Efter en stund kommer en stressad doktor in.
- Sorry I'm late.. It's so much here right now!
- It's okay! svarade Mark och log mot honom.
- So Brenda, sa han och tittade genom några papper.
- yep that's me, sa jag och försökte låta positiv.
- Can I talk to some of you here outside? frågade han och tittade på Mark, Steve och Jaden.
- Me, I'm her manager! sa han.
- I follow with you too, svarade Steve.
Härligt att folk bryr sig iallafall.
Jaden vände sig och log mot mig. Jag log tillbaks. Han vände sig mot dem och sa:
- Well I stay here with Brenda!
De gick ut och Jaden och fram till mig. Vi kramade varandra länge. Sen sa jag bara mitt ut i tomma intet åt honom:
- Whatever that gonna happen to me I have to say to you that you are one of my best friends, I love you!
Han tittade oroligt på mig och svarade:
- Nothing is going to happen to you, okay?
- Okay, sa jag och log osäkert.
- But anyway, I love you too best friend!
Han lade fram handflatan och log, jag slog min mot honom och log också. En fin highfive. Sen kom de ingåendes genom dörren med inte så lättade miner. Det var spända miner. Vad var det?


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